Sunday, July 1, 2007

Zola, Eugene Rougon and Argent, other books

I didn't think much of Zola's political novel, Son excellence Eugene Rougon, the best of a bad genre according to some professors of literature. It doesn't hold a candle to Trolloppe's, for example, it fails to come to life. Argent is about financiers in Paris, and has more interest for me, but is still not very lively.

I got as gifts several books in French, all of them translations. So I read La Popessa, about the nun who looked after Pius XII -- I doubt the accuracy of some of it, it's kind of trashy. I also read a translation of Danielle Steele's Loving, which took little engagement on my part to follow the plot. I have as a last book something by the Marquis de Sade. I've read some of his novels and a biography, and don't feel a critical need to know more, but I plan to read it. Finally, a great play by Jean Anouilh, Antigone, which I read in high school. It's wonderful. I guess they're all headed for the donation bin.

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