Monday, May 26, 2008

Women and Architecture, Choice Architecture, More on Madame

I finished reading Deblay's biography of the Duchesse d'Orleans. This was probably the most historical and the most insightful of the books I've read about her. The husband sounds like someone who would try a saint, and it is unromantic about the court of Louis XIV. The book on women and their commissions of architecture were very interesting, although I had studied those houses in my previous readings on architecture. The monograph Nudge, on being a choice architect, was weaker than some other similar books I've read. It failed to differentiate successfully between various phenomena, and it failed to be crystal clear about what it was discussing. It did include a mention of a survey of professors conducted in the US: in their sample, 94% of professors considered themselves to be above average. Certainly helps explain lots of the behaviors I've been observing lately.

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