Saturday, March 7, 2009

Athill, Buckle, Rowboatham, Wendt

I've read Diane Athill's Stet, and a book by Canadian playwrights for playwrights, and an important book in International Relations, called Social Theory of International Politics, by Wendt. I tried reading Development of American Strategic Thought by Trachtenberg, but it's a collection of classics in the field, and I'd read all of them already. Has it been so long since I last wrote, that I haven't mentioned reading another biography of Diaghilev by Richard Buckle, and then one of Edward Carpenter, by Sheila Rowboatham? I found it relatively boring to read about the bohemian lives of two eccentrics. I also read an issue of The New Scientist, and two issues of OK Magazine. I find I'm having much less time to read than before. I think I might be falling behind in my book-a-day average. On the other hand I'm writing more. But that's a post for another blog.

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