Friday, April 3, 2009

LaRochefoucauld, Sutras

Since my last post, I've read the complete works of La Rochefoucauld. What an unusual pastime, to write aphorisms, and I suppose his are among the greatest in French. But it's still quite an unusual read. I guess I should read Schopenhauer next. I also read two books of Buddhist sutras in translation -- the Lotus Sutra, and the short and long Land of Bliss sutras. This last translation is remarkable because the sutras are translated from both the Chinese and the Sanskrit by the same translator, Luis Gomes. How learned can you get...I found I didn't have the right background to really appreciate them, as I do, say, the Bible. Now I'm reading a book on Early Chinese Mysticism, by Livia Kohn. It's much more easy for me to follow. And on my nighttable? The first two of 25 volumes of the complete works of Anatole France.

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