Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Fleutiaux, Bolletto, Lambron, Absire, Sonkin

I have read in recent days Pierrette Fleutiaux's Nous sommes eternels, Bolletto's Enfer, Marc Lambron's L'oeil du silence, L'Egal de Dieu by Alain Absire, and Un Amour de pere, by Francois Sonkin. Well, Fleutiaux was a long, slow read, full of stream-of-consciousness and heavy portents. It was hard to follow and poorly structured. Enfer is a verite low-life story, an easy read but unremarkable. Lambron's novel is about Lee Miller, a photographer and society woman, whose biography I had read. It was an easy read, but not very interesting otherwise. I really like Absire's novel, written by a monk remembering his days as the valet of a minor feudal vassal. I thought it rang very true, except of course that the French was much too contemporary. But if it hadn't, it would have been like reading Gargantua all over again, and who would want to do that? Sonkin's first person novel is mildly intriguing, and starts well with the story of the father caring for his sick son. I also enjoyed the peripatetic marriage negotiations of the bourgeois class in France.

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