Thursday, July 17, 2008

Magazines and more Chateaubriand

I read an issue of The Economist that was two weeks old, then three issues of Eclectic Reading, then the latest Esquire. Now I'm heavily into all 18 volumes of Chateaubriand -- his travels to the Middle East, which reminded me of Rebecca West's travelogue to Yugoslavia; his book on the early Christian martyrs (is Chateaubriand an ultramontane?); a very dated novel about north American aboriginals, called Les Natchez; Le genie du christianisme, which anticipates by 200 years what Balthasar did with La gloire et la croix; a north American travelogue, complete with descriptions of wildlife; and studies of antiquity, which I am reading now. This will bring me to Volume 10 of his complete works. To come: annotated French history; and his memoirs in 6 volumes! I look forward to it all.

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