Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Baudelaire, Heine

Since my last post, apart from making lots of stuffed pasta for Christmas, I've read a biography called Baudelaire the Damned, by F. Hemmings. It would appear Baudelaire was perpetually in debt, and troubled his mother and stepfather. The book contained photographs of his mistresses, some of which were richly portrayed as Rubenesque. Such a nice change from current fashions. I also read a biography of Heinrich Heine, by Jeffrey Sammons, another writer, of socialist leanings this time, who was a trouble to the women in his life. If it's not money it's women, with these writers. Heine was an assimilated Jew of the Germany of XIXth, and I was interested in the fact that he didn't know until he was an adolescent. I was also interested, as I usually am, in the salonnieres of the period.

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