Monday, June 1, 2009

Sulivan, Johnson, Vargas Llosa, Boyd, Burrin, Lehrer

I read an issue of The Globe since my last post.

I also read some excellent books. The first is the first volume of the eponymous Nabokov by Brian Boyd, which I devoured in a few hours. I also read La France a l'heure allemande, by Philippe Burrin, about Vichy France -- an excellent and fascinating piece of work. I read Sulivan's Joie errante, about which I can't quite whether it's a novel or a memoir. I read Johnson's Invention of Air, about an early scientific controversy, an easy read, in parallel to the controversy in the US about creationism. I read Jonathan Lehrer's Metamind, which was not as close to the topic I was interested in, metacognition, as I had hoped. It was analytical philosophy. and I am now reading Vargas Llosa's Wellsprings. I can't tell yet if I'm going to love it or hate it.

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